Tuesday, February 8, 2011

2010: A Year In Review

How is it already February 2011? Wasn’t it just yesterday that we were partying like it is 1999? It’s cliche but time really does fly when you are having fun! And boy have we been having fun at The Retro Dome! So much so, that we are a little embarrassed that we have failed to keep some of our New Year’s resolutions just a month into the New Year.

First, we will admit we have already gained a few extra pounds. But it is a positive gain, we promise! More on that in a blog later this week.

Second, we still do love our daily lunches of fresh movie theatre pop corn and JuJuBees. Can you blame us? Have you BEEN to the Lava Lounge lately? I don’t think Richard Simmons could pass up that Deal-a-Meal.

One resolution that’s not too late to keep up with? Updating our BLOG! Sure, we are more than a month into the year, but we still have time to keep up on with this resolution and keep our fans posted on what is happening at the Dome. And you never know…maybe we’ll offer some Blog-Followers-Only Specials or Contests!

Today’s blog will bring you up to speed on how 2010 finished for us and later in the week we will fill you in on the first month of 2011, as well as our weight gain. Then, I pinky-swear to keep you posted on a more regular basis. Or, share with you what we are thinking about for the day. Or, maybe a good link to a recipe. You know, all the things blogs do to keep you entertained. Well, at least it will keep me entertained.

Now, back to 2010...“When we last left our heroine, the Retro Dome Blog...Sisters of Swing was just about to open!"  For those of you who joined us (and told friends, which helped to SELL OUT our final weekend!) you know “Sisters of Swing: The Story of The Andrews Sisters” was a delight. It was such a pleasure for us to welcome Patty, LaVerne and Maxene into our theater every weekend. Even better was the reaction from the crowds! The age of audience members spanned from 7 years old to...well, let’s just say one gentleman saw Patty Andrews perform live before he was shipped out in 1945. Every performance brought stories and reactions from audience members that tickled our staff. From a younger regular fan of The Retro Dome who was sure Bette Midler was the original performer of Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy and discovered otherwise at the show, to the woman whose husband proposed while “I Can Dream” was playing. Although her husband is no longer with us, she was delighted our talented cast took her back to that time in her life. It is safe to say, this is not the last we will hear from those talented Sisters!! True crowd pleasers!

During the successful run of SOS (at TRD we like to abbreviate things) we brought our fans some fantastic movies in our Retro Movie theater, The Red Room. Our John Hughes double feature of “The Breakfast Club” and “Ferris Bueller's Day Off” had everyone singing along with Simple Minds and reminding us that “Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” And don’t get me started on “Top Gun” on the big screen. That is how the Volley Ball scene was intended to be seen. Oh, and the flying was pretty cool too.

Before our one year anniversary when we welcomed back our favorite hero Indiana Jones (another set of SOLD OUT CROWDS!) we enjoyed a few singalongs: “Mamma Mia”, "Singin’ in the Rain”, “Hairspray!”, “Yentl”, “West Side Story”... Ok, so the last two weren’t echnically sing-a-longs but admit it, you were doing everything you could to keep your elf from belting out “Mariaaaaaa!!!!” Have you been to a singalong event at The Retro Dome yet? What. A. Blast.

Did you make it to our Alfred Hitchcock double feature? Eeek - - too scary for me, but I could never pass up a good Bogart flick. What a weekend that was. Swoon!

In September 2010 over in The Blue Room, every one “Tried To Remember a Time in September” and had a Fantastick time doing so!! Some new faces came to the Retro Dome stage for this production and we were able to introduce a new generation of theatre goers to the longest running Off Broadway musical, “The Fantasticks!” Oh -speaking of “The Fantastiks!” did you catch our appearances on TV with Laurence Scott?? NBC ran a few spots for our live theater shows (links are on our facebook page if you want to look back) and they ran during The Tonight Show and Saturday Night Live. Speaking of SNL, did you catch the “Retro” SNL this weekend? Wayne’s World AND Church Lady Sketches!! Excellent! But I digress.

Before we knew it we were ringing in the holidays (somehow, we already forgot September) and the Lava Lounge was converted into a winter wonderland. Audiences came far and wide for both of our holiday shows, with the return of “The MeshugaNutcracker!” as well as “Santastic!” Both shows have been delighting audiences and getting them into the spirit of merriment for years and we are so happy they found a home here at The Retro Dome. In between performance nights, we popped up to San Francisco to chat with John Rothmann on KGO. We hung out with him for an hour chatting about M’Nut (I told you we like to abbreviate) and all the happenings here at the Dome. Before we knew it Chanukah and Christmas were over and it was time to ring in 2011.

In 2010, much happened that you may not even be aware of, especially behind the scenes. We will admit it: running a theatre isn’t easy. We know there is this idea of “Hey let’s put on a show! Time to fix up that old barn and put up a stage!” If only! (Are there even any barns in the South Bay we could fix up….?) As with any business, things happen. And some how, you just can never be prepared for them. Were you here when the summer heat wave started AND our AC decided to go on strike? Well, we had to turn in the Retro unit for a new and improved one. So, we had a wonderful benefit to raise the funds to make it happen. That was so fun, we should do it again. No, not losing the AC in a heat wave; singing our favorite Barbara, Bette and Carol Burnett songs at the benefit!

And if the AC wasn’t enough, we had to pull out our “Plumbing For Dummies” hand book and fixed that pesky pipe in the boy’s loo that provided some unrequested sound effects for the movies. (Timing is everything and having a pipe vibrate and groan behind the theatre wall as Tony is dying in Marias arms just isn’t right.)

Some expenses were necessary and more noticeable: because we never leave home with out our American Express card, new lights were installed in the blue room and we have a killer sound system in The Red Room. (The Titanic hitting the iceberg sounds soooo much better in the Dome than it does when you watch it on your VCR, huh!)  And I almost forgot to mention, our hugely successful Musical Theatre Summer Camp! We had a smashing debut year (shameless plug!!! Make plans to sign your tween up now for The Scene returning to the Dome this summer!) AND, we made a few friends here in the Westgate Shopping center and now have special deals at Fresh Choice. AND, while they aren’t our next door neighbors, Psycho Doughnuts have provided us with some sweet treats for you to enjoy as well. (Just don’t tell Jillian Michaels!) AND, we welcomed one of our favorite performing partners, ComedySportz, for a few more shows this year and they helped up ring in the New Year. AND we got more than 1,000 fans on our Facebook page! Yea, we think that is kind of a big deal.   

Whew. So that is the second half of 2010 in a nutshell. I don’t think January 2011 recap will be as long. But it will tell you what someone wore to the Retro Dome this weekend. AND I will tell you about Xanadu. You have heard of Xanadu right? No????? Well, see you soon for more details!

Come dig the dome, baby!
The Dome’s Blogging Chick

Next Up! Sisters of Swing!

Rehearsals have begun for our next live theatrical production, "Sisters of Swing: The Story of The Andrews Sisters", but we're still coming off the high from the Mamma Mia sing-along events. So. Much. Fun! Don't miss the next sing-along: Singing in The Rain in August.
Our production team is also working to put together the look for the new live production and the marketing team is bustling with ideas to reach out to the USO and the veterans' organizations. Can't wait to show you our new production!